A one-hour webinar with Margaret Gray and Armand Diaz
Available Now!
Jupiter and Saturn are two 'social' planets that tell us a lot about how we interact in society, how we grow, and about the structures in our lives. In this webinar you'll learn about these two celestial giants with an emphasis on how they work within our personal relationships.

The webinar is recorded, and is available now. After purchase, you will receive notification that your order has been received, and you will get a link to the recording. The class is part of our one-year certificate course in relationship astrology. Visit RelationshipsandAstrology.com for more information on the course!
Use the Paypal Button to purchase the webinar!
The Sun in Relationships
A one-hour webinar with Margaret Gray and Armand Diaz
Available from October 23rd, 2019
While astrologers often caution about reading too much into Sun-sign compatibility, the Sun is the center of the solar system and the center of our astrological charts. In this webinar, you'll learn how the Sun affects relationships, and why it's important to fully live your Sun in order to have good relationships. And yes, we touch on Sun-sign compatibility.
The webinar is recorded, and is available from October 23rd. After purchase, you will receive notification that your order has been received, and you will get a link to the recording. The class is part of our one-year certificate course in relationship astrology. Visit RelationshipsandAstrology.com for more information on the course!
Use the Paypal Button to purchase the webinar!
Venus and Mars in Relationships
A one-hour webinar with Margaret Gray and Armand Diaz
Available from October 14th, 2019
Venus and Mars are two key planets in our understanding of relationships. Venus shows the style of relating, what is appreciated as beautiful, expectations about the partner, and expectations about relationships. Mars shows sexual drive and who we fight - and sooner or later, we have arguments in our relationships.
Learn how to work with the energies of Venus and Mars to bridge gaps in understanding partners, business associates, and others.
The webinar is recorded, and is available from October 14th. After purchase, you will receive notification that your order has been received, and you will get a link to the recording. The class is part of our one-year certificate course in relationship astrology. Visit RelationshipsandAstrology.com for more information on the course!
Use the Paypal Button to purchase the webinar!
The Moon and Mercury in Relationships
A one-hour webinar with Margaret Gray and Armand Diaz
Available from October 6th, 2019
The Moon and Mercury are often not thought of as 'relationship planets', yet these two celestial bodies are key to understanding the dynamics of interactions in romantic and other kinds of relationships. The Moon shows our security needs and how we nurture others (and want to be nurtured ourselves). Mercury shows our communication styles - obviously critical for relationships of all kinds.
In this webinar, you'll learn how to work with these two planets to broaden your understanding of partnership interactions, as well as how to 'problem solve' the primal needs of the Moon and the communication strategies of Mercury.
The webinar is recorded, and is available from October 6th. After purchase, you will receive notification that your order has been received, and you will get a link to the recording. The class is part of our one-year certificate course in relationship astrology. Visit RelationshipsandAstrology.com for more information on the course!
Use the Paypal Button to purchase the webinar!
Houses of the Horoscope in Relationships
A one-hour webinar with Margaret Gray and Armand Diaz
Available from September 29th, 2019
Join us for this webinar, where you'll learn how to approach the houses of the horoscope from the perspective of relationship astrology. We cover a variety of relationship types, including personal and business partnerships, romance, coworkers, neighbors, and employer/employees.
The webinar is recorded, and is available from September 29th. After purchase, you will receive notification that your order has been received, and you will get a link to the recording. The class is part of our one-year certificate course in relationship astrology. Visit RelationshipsandAstrology.com for more information on the course!
Use the Paypal Button to purchase the webinar!