Intuition 101: The I Ching

In this 4 week self-study course you will learn to use the ancient Chinese oracle, the I Ching (or Classic of the Changes) to help access your intuition. The I Ching is one of the world’s oldest oracles, and it has been in use for thousands of years. It has captured the attention of many Western pioneers of consciousness, including Carl Jung.

The I Ching is easy to use, and many people feel that they develop a direct relationship with the oracle. Unlike astrology, Tarot, and most other oracles, the I Ching is a book—the oracle itself is in the form of a book consisting of 64 separate hexagrams or chapters, each of which is further subdivided into 6 lines. Three coins are cast six times to determine which chapter and lines to read. The whole process can take as little as a minute.

But the real secret to the I Ching is in the interpretation of the hexagrams. A mix of obscure images with layers of commentaries, the text of the I Ching is rich soil in which interpretations can grow. People who use the oracle regularly are usually amazed at how passages that are almost impossible to understand as isolated images can be incredibly clear and relevant within the context of asking a question.

Each week, you’ll receive a link to a video introducing the week’s topic and going into detail on the material, as well as a PDF with the full text of the week’s topic and a list of short exercises to help you access the oracle.

Here’s an outline of the four weeks:

Week 1

Click Here for the Introduction Video
What is the I Ching?
The history of the oracle
Which book to get (there are many editions and interpretations)

Week 2
Casting the Oracle

How to formulate a question
Meditation or other mental and emotional preparation
Casting the coins to access the oracle

Week 3

Initial impressions
Generating multiple interpretations
Checking your body to feel each interpretation
Synthesis and converging themes

Week 4

Following up on your interpretations
Keeping an I Ching log or diary
When to re-ask a question, and when not to
The I Ching and astrology... tarot... and more

The cost for the entire 4 week course is $35

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