be the coyote

This isn’t any kind of endorsement of the Native American Trickster, or anything profound like that. I’m referencing the Warner Bros. cartoon character here.

Sure, we all grew up thinking the coyote was the ultimate schlemmozel, a foil for the speedy Road Runner (and Bugs Bunny, in one cartoon). And it’s true, the coyote had his issues.
But such resilience! Such perseverance! At least three times in each episode, he had his dreams of a delicious dinner cancelled by his fowl nemesis. Yet did he ever give up? Did he ever decide that his dream was impossible? Did his doubt ever stop him from believing that the next ACME product was “the one” that would snag his speedy quarry?

The coyote serves as a model in trying times, as life slaps our dreams around, as we light too-short fuses and go dashing off cliffs in pursuit of something better, as we open flimsy parasols as our only defense against a falling boulder.

Be the coyote.

You could do worse.

back on track

Mercury’s retrograde was all that we could have hoped for, and the last few days since his station to go direct have been even more hectic. In the midst of all of this, I took a couple of weeks off from the Astroblog.

This last week has really seen “power” shifts, consistent with Pluto’s station on the 14th.

The powerful surge for Tea Party candidates, who are not only worrying Democrats but also moderate Republicans, coincided with Pluto’s station on the day of the primaries.

Then there was the storm on Thursday. New York was virtually impassable as the Long Island Rail Road was shut down west of Jamaica, resulting in snagged roadways deep into the wee hours of the morning, blending the energies of Pluto and Mercury (the latter stationed direct on the 12th).


Other Mercury retrograde news to catch up on include the woman who scarred her own face with acid, rather than being attacked in Starbucks as she originally said. And Lindsay Lohan failed a drug test for cocaine and may have to return to jail (because in the U.S. having a problem with drugs is a crime rather than an illness... and using drugs is always a “problem” here, too).

Today, Jupiter and Uranus meet up in Pisces. This high-energy combo’s power will be schmeared across the next few days, as the sun opposes the two giants on Monday.


After a busy few days at the end of August, I finally had a bit of time to look at the news...

Apple has a nice history, astrologically. Most of their product launches land at auspicious times, although there have been a few exceptions. Its new social networking site for musicians, Ping! was launched with Mercury retrograde, and is already drawing media attention (like this story) for attracting scams and spam.

Apparently, the site is literally awash in spam. It seems that it is also very difficult to link up with Facebook, although that may be as much of a virtue as a problem. If Ping! takes off, that would just about do it for MySpace, the historical home of quick & dirty web pages for bands.